[OCEP-01] OATH Chapter Establishment Proposal - Aurelius

Reaper fees, yield generated by Ethos, Chapter tokens, and oToken exercising fees are all accumulating to bOATH.

Imo buybacks give us a really good balance and will more deeply integrate Chapter protocols. Alignment-maxxing.

I’m going to ship the proposal to governance with the buyback option - i’d say we can reopen discussions if needed closer to the AU token launch or after the fact, which will give us plenty of times to make projections etc with some production data to backtest.


I’m in favor of the ramp-up and decay emissions model. It will help to bring new people into the protocol.

I also like the idea of Aurelius buying back OATH, another source of buy pressure on OATH is a nice thing.


Vote Passed.

Snapshot Link: Snapshot

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