[OGP-7] Revelo Intel Monthly “Project Snapshot” reports + media distribution for Ethos Reserve

Type: Token Grant
Proposal Author: Revelo Intel

Executive Summary

Revelo Intel is an independent research firm that produces deep dive analysis and commentary across several products that are consumed by thousands of active DeFi power users (free and paid tiers) across multiple media distribution channels.

Our “Project Snapshot” product is a monthly performance report with analysis and commentary on financial metrics, governance and news associated with a specific project (examples provided in later sections of this proposal).

This proposal seeks a token grant for the production and distribution of Project Snapshots for Ethos Reserve over a 6 or 12 month period.

Proposal Motivation

Reason for Submission - Revelo Intel seeks to align with companies and teams that operate in an ethical and transparent way while building useful products and tools. Our founder, Nick Drakon, and the Byte Masons have supported each other’s respective efforts in this regard for over 18 months. We are enthusiastic about the prospects for ERN and the OATH ecosystem at large, and seek to contribute to growing Ethos Reserve by leveraging our team of analysts, research experience and extensive media distribution channels.

Disclosures - Our founder (Nick Drakon) owns OATH tokens that are vesting over several years due to his participation in the LGE. With a team of 15+ people you should assume that other team members also own OATH tokens and may both buy and sell during the duration of this engagement.

Justification - As an independent research firm Revelo Intel has a reputation for producing unbiased and useful work that appeals to active DeFi power users. ERN is a product that aims to attract sophisticated pools of capital from both individuals and organizations. The user base at Revelo Intel skews heavily towards that demographic and the work we produce appeals to that audience. The production of institutional level research along with our media distribution can contribute to ensuring independent information and analysis on ERN is flowing regularly into the market.

Proposal Specifics:

Revelo Intel will produce a monthly “Snapshot” report on Ethos Reserve covering financial metrics, governance and news flow. The reports will include commentary and insights along with the reported metrics. The aim is to keep market participants up to date while also exposing those who do not follow Ethos Reserve to what it has to offer compared to other CDP stablecoins on the market.

We currently cover 10 projects under our Snapshots product and you can see some of them here without the need to login to our platform - See them here

For those with either a paid or free Revelo account you can see them all the snapshots we have produced here

0xSouvlaki who leads the Project snapshots team, has drafted some ideas below for the constituency of the report, however the final scope of work will be decided on with collaboration with the team.

Collateral analysis (Covers total and if applicable per collateral type)

  • TVL inflow and outflows
  • Collateral type contribution to total TVL
  • Sector dominance growth vs other CDPs
  • Allocation to earn yield and average returns

Stability pool analysis

  • TVL in and outflows
  • Liquidations processed
  • Fees generated from liquidations

bOATH analysis

  • TVL in and outflows
  • Mint and Redemption fees

ERN analysis

  • Mints, redemptions, and repayments
  • Trading price history
  • Growth vs other CDPs

In addition to financial metrics we will include a section on governance where relevant proposals will be discussed including some analysis of the implications associated with various situations.

A section discussing news for the month both internal and external to Ethos Reserve will also be included. Again, we will not only be reporting the news but spend time discussing the implications of important events.

The Snapshots will be released every 30 days starting 2 weeks after the proposal is funded.

These reports will be released and available on the Revelo Intel site without a login or account of any kind. The Oath Foundation has the right to publish the reports in their entirety on the Ethos Reserve website if it chooses to.


Ethos Reserve Snapshots will be prioritized for distribution across our media channels. Included in the engagement are the following:

  • Monthly Twitter threads with a presentation accompanying each months Ethos Reserve Snapshot
  • Regular analysis and commentary on the weekly Youtube show “Metrics Matters” with Nick Drakon & 0xSouvlaki
  • Regular inclusion in both the Daily Bolt and Weekend Reading newsletters
  • Open invitation to Justin Bebis to be a guest on the Revelo Intel Youtube channel to discuss all things Byte Masons (this stands whether this proposal passes or not)

Relevant distribution metics

  • Revelo Intel platform - 6,000+ users across both free and paid tiers
  • Daily Bolt Newsletter - 11,000 subscribers with 45% opens
  • Weekend Reading Newsletter - 6,000 subscribers with 55% opens
  • Revelo Intel Youtube Channel - 3,600 subscribers
  • DeFi Sparks Podcast - 6,000 downloads
  • Revelo Intel Twitter - 12,200 followers
  • Nick Drakon Twitter - 18,300 followers

Team Experience

0xSouvlaki is the leader of the “Project Snapshots” team and will be responsible for the execution of the reports… He has over 10 years working at top 4 accounting firms in London as well as 5 years working in investment banking at Morgan Stanley. He spent 1 year working at Beethoven X on Fantom building out their financial reporting and analysis function as well as being involved with creating their governance structure.

Nick Drakon is the founder of Revelo Intel and has been an avid participant in the Oath ecosystem for almost 2 years. He has produced 4 videos in that time discussing it specifically, including 2 around the time of the Ethos Reserve launch.

Key Objectives & Success Metrics

To provide a monthly report that encompasses all relevant financial data, governance discussions and news affecting the project. The report will be useful for those who are already following the project but also seek to attract new interest from market participants.

Each report will be released within the first week of the following month and pushed out across our numerous distribution channels.

Length of Engagement & Budget Breakdown

Significant upfront work is required on Project Snapshots. 0xSouvlaki will conduct several scoping meetings with the Ethos Reserve team to make decisions around the constituency of the report from a metrics and reporting standpoint. From there various data pipelines are sourced and internal processes set up to ensure that the reports can be produced and delivered every 30 days.

We are proposing 2 options for the budget and the above dynamic is why there is a significant monthly cost reduction for a 12 month engagement. Both options are priced based on full upfront payment in OATH

  1. $850 per month for 6 months (paid upfront) - Total $5,100
  2. $600 per month for 12 months (paid upfront) - Total $7,200

Community Support

There are thousands of views on the videos previously made by Nick Drakon or Revelo Intel indicating an avid audience for our work and significant interest from the OATH community.


Revelo Intel covers over 100 projects and has working relationships with many of them across all of DeFi.

Risk Assessment

Revelo Intel will disclose the commercial relationship with the Oath Foundation if this proposal passes at the bottom of each report we produce. Despite the commercial relationship, Revelo Intel will always operate in an independent fashion as it relates to the work we produce and there may be times when negative news or financial results will be included in the reports.


Happy to see Nick and the team engaging here in the forum. I am a fan and you know it.

I would opt for option 2 (12 months).

But I have a few questions (sorry if the answer is in the proposal’s text and I didn’t see it).

1- Is the grant asked in Oath or stables? In case of Oath, will it be sold, hold for some time or no disclosure?

2- I see that Revelo offers the product for other protocols as well, some of them are ready to read on revelo website. Do those protocols also give grants in exchange for revelo service?

3- Is there any special feature (difference) to this offer (product) compared to the already existing snapshots?


Hi NaulxD, good questions!

  1. Our preference is in stables ($ERN or other) but we are happy to accept $OATH if that is what the governors prefer. We try not to hold project tokens as they can create a conflict of interest to our independent research model. The funding is used to pay salaries of the analysts that work at Revelo, so you should assume that if we do receive $OATH, that most of it will be sold over time.

  2. Snapshots is still a fairly new product so there is non commissioned coverage on some of the
    largest DeFi protocols to showcase the product to our users and to potential partners. We have only just started offering coverage to projects outside that initial launch.

  3. No change in the quality of the output. The main difference is the accessibility. In total, we have issued 20 of these reports and to read them you need a Revelo account. Paid users get access to the reports as soon as they are released and free users get them on a 7-10 day lag. The reports for Ethos Reserve will be published to everyone at the same time, regardless of whether or not they have a free or paid Revelo Intel account. No login required to view them.

Thank you for your support!

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Fully support option 2, Revelo is great and this will provide consistent exposure to their users. Fair price and there seems to be a working model as opposed other content/advertising proposals.

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This is fairly priced, I’d vote yes.

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Having an independent firm help prepare these packages at this price point is superb and Revelo Intel backed with Souvlaki’s expertise will help new and familiar users see the opportunities and challenges ahead of Ethos Reserve more plainly. Revelo Intel sits on the growth curve with Ethos too which means they are hungry for their win and looking at the other projects renown Ethos would be in good company.

@Nick_Drakon Have you considered doing h1-h2 or yearly recaps or reviews as well?

The proposal is well attributed otherwise. Looking forward to some other discussion or challenges below.

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Looks like a fantastic opportunity to get third party considerations from reputable thinkers.
I’m an advocate for option 2 and happily consider this ready for review by the GPRC.

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I’m in favor of option 2 as well, thanks for the proposal. Ready for review.

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Ready for Review from the GPRC.

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Thank you Nick and Revelo team for the proposal.

I use Revelo on a weekly basis and am always very impressed with the quality of work being done. I would vote option 2; its very well priced for the output and would no doubt reach new, uninformed users.

It’s also fortunately very well-timed from our end with all the developments in motion

Ready for Review on my end

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Recaps and comparisons may be included in particular snapshots where it makes sense and such a ‘look back’ function is within the scope of this proposal.

A detailed 6 month or 12 month report would be a larger undertaking and would need to be scoped out specifically when the time comes. That much longer and in depth type of report is not within the scope of this proposal.

Personally, I think all projects should produce detailed ‘annual report’ type documents which investors and users alike can use in a similar way we use them to assess the progress of non crypto businesses. I suspect this will be the case as projects and the industry at large matures and grows.


Hi everyone

Just wanted to say hi and thank you for the support on this proposal.


Im in favor of Option 2.

Marking Ready for GPRC Review.

I think this sort of insight would be extremely helpful, but upcoming tokenomics changes might change how we approach these snapshots. When the information embargo is lifted next week, I will reach out to the Revelo team to discuss.


Green light from my side — either option. Both are reasonable/fair and I think we’re all familiar with the quality of Revelo’s work.

Let’s go.

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Hello @Nick_Drakon

The GPRC met yesterday and voted to push this proposal to a Community Vote using Option 2.

This proposal will be pushed to a community vote on Snapshot in the next few days. I will drop a link here for OATH Governors to vote whenever it’s live. Thanks for this proposal!

Let me know if you have any questions!


Thanks for the update and for the support and confidence shown by both the community and the GPRC. We are looking forward to formally working with you all pending the result of the vote.


Snapshot Vote Link: Snapshot

Vote Passed. This topic is being moved to read-only. Archived.