What is up $OATH Fams?

It’s been a long OATH journey and finally, it feels like everything coming together after all this time (not price-wise lol) OATH looks primed for an upcoming bull run with ETHOS v2 and liquid token implementation. What are your guys’ thoughts? What are you up to?


Each week I vote for OATH pools on the solidly exchanges and keep growing my bags. Pumped for the new tokenomics and improvements to protocols. Chapters excite me too. Nice to see you here Zuko!


Me too, staying disciplined and doing what is needed while Chapters pop up and EthosV2 helps ERN scale. Slow and steady…

Grinding! We’re getting very close to the final boss implementation

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I still accumulating… wish I had more money to buy more. Nfa :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


sold the car to buy more oathsssss


Supply Eth to borrow Ern, provide liquidity on Yearn stErn-Ern vault, swap rewards for more Ern, paying off my loan on Ethos with Ern from Lpings and bOath pool, bribing on those pools to collect more Oath, growing my bOath position. Am I missing anything? :thinking:


I am just staking bOATH on ethos and accumlating slowly each month.
here is an

interesting thing.

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Anyone else watching Prisma Finance? They recently launched, added lots of LST to borrow against, and gained more than 250m of TVL in super short time.

Taking Prisma Finance as reference, it seems once Ethos let’s us borrow against LST, we are about to get lots of new eyes on the Oath ecosystem


Hadn’t heard of them but at first blush they definitely have a suuuuuuper plush-lookin’ layout! I’m still partial to the Oath ecosystem if only because it’s not COMPLETELY reliant on staked Ethereum to act as collateral because that can inevitably lead to major centralization risks. Granted, Oath could end up there in theory as well, but…idk. Lesser of two evils I s’pose.

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I still don’t understand how it works

Ask your questions Ser

What are you wondering about? Happy to answer any questions you’ve got

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How does this ecosystem work, Are there any benefits?

That’s a very broad question that’s hard to summarize in short. I would recommend reading this article as it covers most everything, let me know if you have other questions afterward